For Editors
From 2005 to 2022,
American Life in Poetry provided
media outlets the opportunity to
publish a free weekly column
featuring contemporary
American poems.

While new poems will no longer be published by American Life in Poetry each week, you may access any poems in the archives for use in your publication. To continue receiving poems regularly, we encourage you to subscribe to the Poetry Foundation’s Poem of the Day. See below for more information and relevant links.
Where can I access poems that have been published by American Life in Poetry?
Access them through the poems archive.
Can I use the photos in print?
Yes! The credits are below each photo.
What about permissions?
Through our process, American Life in Poetry guaranteed permissions for media outlets so there is no need for editors to seek additional permissions.
Is there a fee?
Publishing columns from American Life in Poetry’s archives is free.
Can I publish from the archive?
How can I continue to receive poems regularly?
We encourage you to subscribe to the Poetry Foundation’s Poem of the Day to receive a poem every day. However, please note that the Poetry Foundation cannot offer licenses for the commercial use of any poems. Learn more about permissions.