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James Doyle

Fort Collins, Colorado

Doyle was born in New York City and grew up in the Bronx. He is the author of Einstein Considers a Sand Dune (2004), winner of the 2003 Steel Toe Books Poetry Prize, and Bending Under the Yellow Police Tapes (2007). Doyle worked in Wisconsin politics and taught before retiring; he lives in Fort Collins, Colorado, with this wife, poet Sharon Doyle.

In writing about Einstein Considers a Sand Dune, reviewers have commented on the variety of topics that Doyle addresses: famous figures including John the Baptist, Babe Ruth, and Einstein; works of art; historical artifacts; cancer; and family history. Gabrielle Welch, reviewing the collection for Small Press Review, concluded that the poems possessed the shared trait of “Doyle’s precision with plain language.”

Doyle’s poems have been published in Chelsea, Green Mountains Review, the Iowa Review, the Massachusetts Review, Poetry, Prairie Schooner, and Puerto del Sol and featured by Ted Kooser in his “American Life in Poetry” column.

Column 431

In the Planetarium

By James Doyle

Column 288

Love Story

Column 009

The City's Oldest Known Survivor of the Great War