L. Renée
L. Renée is a poet and nonfiction writer. Her work, nominated for Best New Poets and a Pushcart Prize, has been published in Tin House Online, Obsidian, Poet Lore, the minnesota review, Southern Humanities Review, Water~Stone Review, Poetry Northwest, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of Appalachian Review’s Denny C. Plattner Award and a second place winner in New Limestone Review’s Crystal Wilkinson Creative Writing Prize. She has earned fellowships from Cave Canem, The Watering Hole and the dots between.
L. Renée holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Indiana University, where she was Nonfiction Editor of Indiana Review and Associate Director of the Indiana University Writers’ Conference, as well as an MS in Journalism from Columbia University, where she was a Joseph Pulitzer II and Edith Moore Fellow.