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Column 918

Why Do We Set the Table?


This an ele­gant ele­gy to a father who has passed, cap­tured in the rit­u­als that fam­i­lies cre­ate as a way to remem­ber, to hon­or and to even cel­e­brate. The extra place set at table before a feast of great sen­su­al and emo­tion­al pow­er reflects how mourn­ing touch­es the deep­est parts of our self. NaBeela Washington’s poem asks the ques­tion: Why Do We Set the Table?”. The poem is the answer.

Why Do We Set the Table?

At what temperature does blood
begin to boil? Thicken into a
roux, slip between bits of
basil, minced garlic,

Permeate chunks of spicy kielbasa,
bind a dash of salt, pepper, bubbles
roiling forth, then dissipating,
heat lowered to a hush;

Congeal from the shock of cool
clay dishes as a small mound
is delicately plated with a
large plastic spoon;

Spurt steam, burning both
nostrils, as we lean in to say
grace, my father’s seat empty,
placemat bare.

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We do not accept unsolicited submissions

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2022 by NaBeela Washington, “Why Do We Set the Table?” from crazyhorse, Number 101, Spring 2022.  Introduction copyright © 2024 by The Poetry Foundation.