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Column 629

The New Church

Intro by Ted Kooser

In last week’s col­umn, we inad­ver­tent­ly list­ed the pub­lish­er of Michelle Ment­ing’s book, Leaves Sur­face Like Skin. It should be Ter­rapin Books, and the copy­right date of her poem is 2015

Sure­ly you’ve seen those Japan­ese scroll paint­ings in which tiny fig­ures trail up the side of an enor­mous moun­tain? Here’s a poem about one such life by Lucia Cher­ciu, who lives in Pough­keep­sie, New York. She gath­ers an enor­mous amount of human expe­ri­ence in these few lines. Her most recent book is Train Ride to Bucharest (Sheep Mead­ow Press, 2017). This poem appeared first in The Broad­kill Review.

The New Church

The old cupola glinted above the clouds, shone
among fir trees, but it took him an hour

for the half mile all the way up the hill. As he trailed,
the village passed him by, greeted him,

asked about his health, but everybody hurried
to catch the mass, left him leaning against fences,

measuring the road with the walking stick he sculpted.
He yearned for the day when the new church

would be built—right across the road. Now
it rises above the moon: saints in frescoes

meet the eye, and only the rain has started to cut
through the shingles on the roof of his empty

house. The apple trees have taken over the sky,
sequestered the gate, sidled over the porch.

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We do not accept unsolicited submissions

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2016 by Lucia Cherciu, “The New Church,” from The Broadkill Review, (Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2016). Poem reprinted by permission of Lucia Cherciu and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2024 by The Poetry Foundation.