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Column 699

Covering the Mirrors

Intro by Ted Kooser

Car­ol V. Davis lives in Cal­i­for­nia, and once was an artist-in-res­i­dence at the Home­stead Mon­u­ment in Nebras­ka, where I met her.The fol­low­ing poem, her fourth to be pub­lished in this col­umn, is from her 2017 book from Tru­man State Uni­ver­si­ty Press, Because I Can­not Leave This Body.I’m a suck­er for poems about customs. 

Covering the Mirrors

After a funeral, they were covered with black cloth,
some draped with shawls like a scalloped valance.
Leftover sewing scraps, wool, linen, synthetic,
anything to shroud the odd-shaped mirrors,
though sometimes a corner was exposed like a woman
whose ankle peeks forbidden from under a long skirt.
A mourner must shun vanity during shiva, focusing inward
but as a child I wondered if this were to avoid ghosts,
for don't the dead take their time leaving?
I'm of a generation where grandparents disappeared,
great aunts with European accents,
rarely an explanation provided to us children.
My mother died too young.
With a baby in arms I couldn't bear to fling
that dark cloth over the glass.
After all she had come back from the dead so often,
even the doctors could not explain it.
Each time I looked in a mirror my mother gazed back.
I could never tell if she were trying to tell me something
or to take the baby with her.

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We do not accept unsolicited submissions

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2017 by Carol V. Davis, "Covering the Mirrors," from Because I Cannot Leave This Body, (Truman State University Press, 2017). Poem reprinted by permission of Carol V. Davis and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2024 by The Poetry Foundation.