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Column 906



There is, in Eng­lish poet­ry, a long tra­di­tion of gar­den­ing poems. Such poems find rich asso­ci­a­tions between the delib­er­ate act of design, the orga­niz­ing of nature, and the art of poet­ry. While Jere­my Rocks, Ten­der” does not slav­ish­ly echo the poet­ry of gar­den­ing of the sev­en­teenth cen­tu­ry, (the hay-day of this tra­di­tion), one sens­es in his con­tem­po­rary take, a recog­ni­tion of the impulse of humans to see in gar­den­ing, some­thing of the quest and delight in beau­ty that we find in poet­ry. At the end of the poem, Rock’s descrip­tion of car­ing for ten­der plants that he ren­ders as dream­ers allows him to cel­e­brate the deeply human­iz­ing pow­er of the imag­i­na­tion, the pow­er, in oth­er words, of poetry. 


Not yet Spring, sunlight barely reaches
past the slider, so I array houseplants
like regents parading before the rabble

and lead with the blades. Just a few snips
before they' re done, cleaned of the veins and petals
that looked ready to come off. It must always

be pruning season, looking at these hands. Sometimes
I sit in the sun with them and drink dayglow slow
with ice water. In red clay I keep the cuttings, sisters

and daughters mudded for new roots, and these
wan stems finally learn to breathe. If not
for the starving of idyllic hamlets, where

would the flowers grow? At night I bring them in
so they can imagine what they're missing.

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We do not accept unsolicited submissions

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2021 by Jeremy Rock, “Tender” from Poet Lore Summer/ Fall 2021. Poem reprinted by permission of the author and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2024 by The Poetry Foundation.