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Column 837

The Ragged and the Beautiful


I have heard so many poets say that they feel like out­casts, until they meet oth­er out­casts and dream­ers, peo­ple who seem to feel like them, and sud­den­ly they feel affirmed in their dif­fer­ence, and, as it turns out, their place in com­mu­ni­ty. It is like­ly what Safiya Sin­clair means in her ele­gant poem, The Ragged and the Beau­ti­ful” pub­lished in the always engag­ing immi­grant and refugee” jour­nal, The Bare Life Review, when she describes being strange/​and unbe­long­ing” as, at the same time, being per­fect­ly” beautiful.

The Ragged and the Beautiful

Doubt is a storming bull, crashing through
the blue-wide windows of myself. Here in the heart
of my heart where it never stops raining,

I am an outsider looking in. But in the garden
of my good days, no body is wrong. Here every
flower grows ragged and sideways and always

beautiful. We bloom with the outcasts,
our soon-to-be sunlit, we dreamers. We are strange
and unbelonging. Yes. We are just enough

of ourselves to catch the wind in our feathers,
and fly so perfectly away.

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We do not accept unsolicited submissions

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2018 by Safiya Sinclair, “The Ragged and The Beautiful” from The Bare Life Review: A Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Literature, (The Bare Life Review, 2018). Poem reprinted by permission of Safiya Sinclair and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2024 by The Poetry Foundation.