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Column 903

37 El mundo


The clas­sics can con­sole. But not enough.” wrote Derek Wal­cott, a poet who often found lim­it­ed lit­er­ary con­so­la­tion in Greek mythol­o­gy, as he wrote about his Caribbean world. For Este­ban Rodríguez in his poem, 37 El mun­do”, the clas­sics, with their allu­sions and myths, are not enough of a con­so­la­tion to cap­ture the labors of his father. In the end, his father’s hero­ism is root­ed in the grit and real­ism of a world of labor and strug­gle, and the truth­ful retelling of the sto­ry of his father is enough to cre­ate a new hybrid mythol­o­gy of self.

37 El mundo

Even in dreams, your father is working,

and in the version you’d been having for weeks,

he lifts a large replica of the world, places it

on his back, and because his body here defies

logic and physics, carries it up a hill, which,

after you wake up, you know is a metaphor

for twelve-hour shifts, for pounding nails

into wood, for sliding steel into slots again

and again, and for the days when his back

is shaped into a crooked punctuation,

and his feet, marking the floor into a hieroglyph,

have lost more of their purpose, becoming quiet

when he gets home, so that all you see of him

is not comparisons to language, but two

swollen limbs, a body reclined on a La-Z-Boy,

a father relieved to call this silence his own.

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We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2021 by Esteban Rodríguez, “37 El mundo” from Wildness Issue No. 2, August, 2021. Poem reprinted by permission of the author and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2024 by The Poetry Foundation.