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Column 913



Rachel Eliza Grif­fiths has writ­ten poems and com­posed pho­tographs in response to the loss of her moth­er. She has always been fas­ci­nat­ed by the exchange between birth and death that char­ac­ter­izes their rela­tion­ship. Illu­sion” is doing the same work of con­nect­ing the haunt­ing mem­o­ry and spir­it of her moth­er to her own aware­ness, her own mor­tal­i­ty, and her turn to live and fill the space vacat­ed by her moth­er. I typ­i­cal­ly do not quote poets speak­ing of their work in this col­umn, but I found this gem by Grif­fiths from an inter­view that seems a fit intro­duc­tion to this poem: With the death of my moth­er, the woman (myself) can’t go back out of the world until she moth­ers her­self. I must go for­ward to my own begin­ning and to con­sid­er my own death.”

Waiting inside of the night, 
I could make out the mound 
& my mother's eyes, the blank embrace 
of innocence when she returned 
from the other side of the light 
where everything wept 
as it was loved & forgotten. 
It's your turn, it's always 
your turn, 
the night says.

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We do not accept unsolicited submissions

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2020 by Rachel Eliza Griffiths, “Illusion” from Seeing The Body (W.W. Norton & Company, 2020.) Quote from “Anatomy of Grief: A Conversation with Rachel Eliza Griffiths” By Sarah Herrington, LA Review of Books, October 13, 2020. Introduction copyright © 2024 by The Poetry Foundation.