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Column 914

Easter Shoes


There is, of course, no hid­den chap­ter in the Good Book” that explores san­daled Jesus’ fash­ion rules, but Cor­nelius Eady in East­er Shoes” is being fun­ny and dead­ly seri­ous. The poem takes him back to child­hood, to the pains of con­for­mi­ty and the forced obe­di­ence of being dressed”, encased” and pinched” into decen­cy. East­er Shoes” cel­e­brates the petu­lant act of cre­ative rebel­lion that he achieves by scuff­ing the imprac­ti­cal shoes while main­tain­ing the mirage” of obedience.

Easter Shoes

In a hidden chapter of the Good Book, 
Is there a verse that explains 
Why Jesus cares for fashion, 
Why my feet must be encased 
And pinched? When you're a kid, 
It's how someone else dresses you; 
You won't grow into these black, shiny 
patents, as much as your mother 
Wants it. On the way to Sunday School, 
You are a mirage, like the new store shine 
You scuff, as you obey.

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We do not accept unsolicited submissions

We do not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (, publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. =Poem copyright ©2022 by Cornelius Eady, “Easter Shoes” from Prairie Schooner Winter, 2019. Poem reprinted by permission of the author and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2024 by The Poetry Foundation.

Column 913